Spyridon Logothetis

Archimandrite Spyridon Logothetis is the driving force behind and Founder of the Men’s Coenobium of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Nafpaktos, in Western Greece.
He was born in the Keratsini neighborhood of Piraeus in 1940 to devout parents, Ioannis and Eftychia.
His family is of Constantinopolitan origin.
He is a graduate of the Department of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has also studied the French and English languages, and European Music.
He displayed a talent for missionary work early on, and in 1956, at just 16 years old, began volunteering at the church and his local community. At the same age, while still a student, he founded and directed the 50-member choir of the 5th Gymnasium of Piraeus. Additionally, at the age of 18, he began to preach and give speeches at the Holy Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Salamis, gradually expanding to other Churches, student and university student events within Attica and throughout Greece. During this time, he obtained experience in organizing and directing various youth groups, for students, employees, boarding school students, and summer camp participants, all under the spiritual guidance of the Fraternity “The Paraclete”.
He first visited Nafpaktos in 1959, during his university years, after an invitation by the Metropolitan of Nafpaktia and Evrytania, Damaskinos Kotzias. He would go on to completely reorganize the local youth activities, beginning in the summer of 1963. While there, he founded, organized, and administered the Boys’ Summer Camp of the Metropolis of Nafpaktos.
In October of 1963 he arrived in Heraklion, Crete for his obligatory military service. There he enlisted in the Infantry Reserve Officer corps and served as an Officer Candidate Instructor at the Infantry Reserve Officers’ School (Σ.Ε.Α.Π.), all while continuing his missionary and volunteer work, through the organization of choirs, music concerts, lectures, devotional activities, etc. During his service as a Reserve Officer, he was posted to Nafpaktos where, with the blessings of Metropolitan Damaskinos, he worked as a volunteer lay preacher, touring the remote villages in the mountains of Nafpaktia.
In school years 1966 – 1967, he served as a Theology Teacher in Secondary Technical Education, in Nafpaktos.
In late 1966 – early 1967, with the blessings of the Metropolitan of Nafpaktia, Damaskinos, he was invited by the Blessed Metropolitan of Tricca and Stagoi, Dionysios Charalambous, to lead the organization for charitable, missionary, and youth work of the Holy Metropolis in Trikala, Kalabaka, and the wider region of Tricca and Stagoi.
In August of 1967, Metropolitan Dionysios himself invited Spyridon and tonsured him a Monk, on 16-9-1967, at the age of 27.
The next day, 17-9-1967, Dionysios ordained him a Deacon and on 1-10-1967 a Presbyter. That same day, the Metropolitan of Nafpaktia, Damaskinos, who was present at his ordainment, also ordained him an Archimandrite. Spyridon was an energetic cleric, carrying out missionary work, contributing to the revitalization of Monasticism at Meteora, and reorganizing the local social and charitable work.
In October of 1968, father Spyridon Logothetis ended his stay in Trikala and returned, this time permanently, to Nafpaktos, where he set about reorganizing, founding, and funding numerous missionary, welfare, social, educational, and cultural activities. Indicative examples include a student boarding house, summer camps, catechetical classes, choirs, theater productions, and frequent missionary tours throughout Nafpaktia.
His activities eventually expanded beyond the local confines of Nafpaktos, with tours and speeches throughout Greece and abroad.
Without a doubt, father Spyridon’s crowning work is the planning, founding, construction, organization, operation, and direction of the Missionary Center – Holy Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior of Nafpaktos, founded in 1977 at Skala, Nafpaktia municipality. He served as the first Great Evergete, Founder, Elder, and First Kathegumen of this important religious institution. Built on the traditional values of Orthodox Monasticism and Hellenism, its numerous Ecclesiastical, Monastic, Missionary, National, Charitable, Social, Scholarly, and other activities are a testament to its enduring, active role in the wider social and religious frame.